UK Loft Conversions

12 Options of Roofing Materials

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Choosing a roofing material for your home can be can be a really tough decision. It’s best to at least know what all your options are so you can choose what works best for you.

1. Baked Clay Tiles: extremely solid, heavy tiles with a long lifespan

2. Plain Tiles: are flat without ripples

3. Concrete Tiles: less expensive than baked tiles and have more variations and colours

4. Natural Slate: expensive but looks great and lasts a long time

5. Artificial Slate: is made from fibre cement

6. Metal Tile Sheets: light-weight sheets of steel or aluminium with the look of roof tiles

7. Zinc Slates: looks like natural slate but slightly bigger

8. Zinc, Aluminium or Copper Strips: from a patina over time that gives a nice colour and longer lifespan

9. Corrugated Sheets: profiled, double compressed fibre cement sheets

10. Shingles: bituminous material which contains fiberglass that is typically used on garden houses and extensions

11. Bitumen Roof Shingle: light-weight imitation of slates in bitumen

12. Reed: a very expensive roofing material now used mainly for bigger villas, outbuildings or prestige projects with excellent insulating properties